Friday, February 28, 2014

The Pause

Life  can sometimes seem to be an unending unstopping treadmill that feels like a runaway train. This crazed pace is something a lot of us have got used to; the nonstop humdrum of life.
In the midst of this there is also the challenge of the pause.

 Today everybody is in a hurry to get on in life, to get to the top, to go somewhere, and to become someone. We have very little tolerance for any delays, for waiting or, even for a pause.

And yet life is full of pauses and waiting. I could react to them, kick hard at them; and punch my fist into the air, scream, shout and get frustrated.

We all have dreams, desires, hope, longings that are punctuated by pauses in our lives – the waiting that we would like to skip and rush to embrace what we yearn for. Life does not always turn out the way we want it. What should my response be? How do I cope?

 As I reflect on this I am reminded of the Psalmist who says: “Be still” to “wait patiently”, to “trust in His unfailing love”. Romans 8 remind me that He will work all things out for my good. Ecclesiastics tell me that God will make all things beautiful in His time.

I look at the heroes of faith and see that many of them had to deal with long pauses in their lives. Many received great promises and then had to cope with long pauses. Look at Abraham and Sarah who were promised a child and that their descendants would be more numerous than the stars. Look at Isaac who had to deal with a long pause, so did Jacob and Joseph. What about David and Moses? 

What about those men and women who gave their lives for the advance of the kingdom had to battle long and hard for the first fruits? The list can go on All had to contend with very long pauses between the promise and the possessing of it.

Actually when one thinks of the whole Christian life – we are in a pause period – awaiting His glorious return. While there are things to be done here the greatest longing and yearning of the Christian heart is the return of the King our glorious savior Jesus. We live in the greatest pause of all of history – between the resurrection and the return.

But we have a Hope that is steadfast and certain and that will never spoil or fade away. So the promises that are punctuated with this pause in life are pregnant with Hope.

This helps me wait patiently and to cope with the longings, the dreams and desires and promises. I know that in His time He shall bring them to pass.